I just read an article about the patagonia which is a really green company in the world from Business Weekly (Chinese). This green company which is an outdoor products company support to save the earth very hard, and shows in the company's policy. "There is no business to be done on a dead planet"
They even volunteer to donate 1% sales revenue for the planet. So far there're over 800 organizations joined this "1% For the Planet" project. Some of them donate more then 1%.
我剛剛讀到台灣商週上的一篇文章是關於一家綠色企業 patagonia 。這是一家戶外用品的企業,他們十分支持各種保護愛護地球的實際行動,從他們的企業理念與政策中可以看得出來。「在死掉的星球上,沒生意可做。」
他們自發性地捐出 1% 的營收給這個地球,藉以推動各項環保行動。截至目前為止,已經有 831 家企業參與這項專案「1% 給這個地球」,並將這些資源分配到全球 1462 個環保團體。有些企業甚至捐出超過 1% 的營收。
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