SUMO Party and SFD (Software Freedom Day) in Taipei on Sep 18, 2010.
This is a brief summary about why and how we host a SUMO Party in Taipei, and what happen before/in/after the party. We appreciate Mozilla's great support for this event very much. Special thanks to SUMO team, Kadir, and Sarah.

The Beginning
We meet SFI President - Fred at COSCUP/GNOME.Asia 2010 in Taipei, and would like to host a activity to celebrate SFD, also make some connections with local community members.
After brainstorming with Bob and some MozTW friends, we popup one idea: "how about we can have a parade to celebrate SFD in the morning, and invite the strangers who want to join us together to translate articles on SUMO (Support Mozilla) site in the afternoon." Therefore, the venue and translation tool (ex: notebook, internet access.) should be also listed as considerations. After lots of discussion, the final version becomes: "Let's invite translation volunteers to join a SUMO party, and we cerebrate SFD at the same time."
- Planning: Schedule
-- 8/25: MozTW Bob Chao help to connect me with SUMO team
-- 8/27: skype meeting with Kadir, Bob Chao
-- 9/1: send swag request to Mozilla
-- 9/13: receive swags sent from USA :)
-- 9/13: discussion meeting at MozTW Labs (a weekly MozTW gathering time in Taipei), to discuss the "game rule" and cook slides for SUMO party.
-- 9/18: event day

- Planning: Venue
-- Need: Seat with table
-- Need: Power
-- Need: Food
-- Need: Notebook (bring by volunteers)
-- Need: lots of fun!

- Planning: SUMO
-- We have a skype discussion meeting and brief training via skype with SUMO team-Kadir. It's very helpful and clear for us to do the planning.
-- We are so excited to know we are hosting the first SUMO party on the earth :)
-- Prepare/practice the full operation process on the SUMO website. (many thanks for Kadir's presentation files.)
-- SUMO team sends us a opening/hello video, here is the version with Chinese subtitle:

- Planning: Event Application
-- We use a local web service for event application: http://registrano.com/events/sumo-party
-- Send pre-event reminder twice to make sure all attendees are well prepared, bring their own notebooks, and relax to enjoy the party.
-- Prepare a Event Dashboard. It helps attendees to know which articles they should target to translate in higher priority, to make sure volunteers would not translate the same article, to inform reviewer which article has been done for review.

- Planning: Event Preparation
-- Practice and get familiar with SUMO site operations. (to make sure we are able to answer translators' questions.)
-- Food! Food! Food!
-- Double check with the venue owner about the event schedule.
-- Spread the hot news about this event. (blog, facebook, plurk, twitter, etc.)
-- We apply these swag to create a party enviorment: Bracelets, Stickers, Buttons. These three creates good atmosphere.
- Planning: Finance
-- Total expense: NT$ 7,038
--- SUMO Party Venue: NT$ 4,500
--- SFD Balloon (SUMO Promotion): NT$ 1,890
--- SUMO Snack: NT$ 648
- Planning: Surprise!
-- We get swag support from Mozilla on time :) Mozilla t-shirts are really cool and it's a BIG attraction for volunteers.
-- We get cakes from Hong Kong!! Thanks for Haggen!

The Party Time!
We give all attendees information about: opening video of SUMO team, the reason why we host this SUMO party, the reason to support SUMO, how to process a translation, how to get a t-shiit today, how to get more involvement in the future.
The game rule is:
- Translate a whole new article: +3 points
- Update/Finish the translation of one article: +2 points
- If the article is listed in Localization dashboard with higher priority: +1 extra points per article
- You will get Mozilla T-shirt if you are in the top point rank today.

- 29 applicants.
- 15 articles are translated.
- 1 large priory FedEx box. (Thanks for Mozilla)
- 2 oversea-ordered cakes. (Thanks for Haggen)
- lots of collisions between community members
Event Related Links
- Initial Blog (in Chinese): http://talk.ernestchiang.com/2010/08/mozilla-firefox-t-shirt.html
- Application Page (in Chinese): http://registrano.com/events/sumo-party
- Dashboard Page (in Chinese): https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AkQvFakzZ0V-dEhSZDc4RkVnREVGWU52LXBnRFBhVlE&authkey=CImG-PsF&hl=en#gid=0
- Photos: Flickr (not all are on 2010/9/18 :p), othree's Flickr
- Blog of attendee : http://huijung.blogspot.com/2010/09/moztw-sumo-party.html
Suggestions for SUMO Party in the future
- Create a enviorment with lots of fun and passion :) It attract most community volunteers.
- Take some practices to be familiar with SUMO articles' translation and approval processes.
- Invite the localization team members to join the party together. They can help volunteers to clarify the translation wordings to align the common usage in the real localized Firefox product wordings. (Chinese translation dictionary reference link: http://translate.moztw.org/narro )
- It's just our first trial. Put some more happy ideas in your SUMO parties :)
If you need any information about hosting SUMO Party or Firefox related event, we can share/discuss via email :) We wish there would be some more SUMO Party around the world, and let users get help or information more easier!
MozTW SUMO Party, Project Manager
Amazing, amazing work, Ernest. This will help so many people over the next few weeks and month.
ReplyDeleteWow, what a nice, thorough summary of the event. Thanks so much to both of you (Ernest and Bob) for putting all this together. It's amazing to see it all come together like this, and it really looked like you were having lots of fun while doing it. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, @Firefox, @David and all SUMO team members :)