
SUMO (Support Mozilla) 新網站在 2010/Dev/01 上線了,做了一份簡單的投影片,希望能讓有興趣為全球中文世界的 Mozilla 產品(例如 Firefox)使用者的支援文章做翻譯的朋友,能夠有個快速入門的指引。也很感謝 Bob 在瞬間(幾乎瞬間)搭配投影片錄音成為影片教學檔放上 youtube 讓大家更容易吸收 :) 邀請大家直接動手翻譯自己有興趣的文章喔!

今天 12 月 2 日(星期四)台灣時間 22:00 ~ 06:00。在 Mozilla IRC#sumo 頻道有 Localization Sprint,歡迎有興趣的朋友一起上線參與。大家可以各自認領或舉手做自己有興趣做的事情或翻譯文章喔 :)

(我平常會用 ernestchiang_ 這個名稱掛在 #sumo, #sumodev 上面,有的時候也會用 Ernest 上去。有我可以協助之處,歡迎找我。)

*** New SUMO is here! 怎麼幫忙翻譯文件?(影片)***

*** New SUMO is here! 怎麼幫忙翻譯文件?(投影片)***

想持續知道 MozTW 關於 SUMO 的最新發展嗎?歡迎持續收看摩茲將軍「moztw-general」信件群組 [SUMO],更多參與 MozTW 的方式歡迎參考「參與我們 - MozTW」 ^^

最後引述 Kadir 發表在 locate leader list 中關於 Localization Sprint 的內容,讓想參與今晚 sprint 的朋友們有個方向:

==Localization Sprint==

A new system always poses a lot of questions, especially for those who need to work with it. So we decided to have a Localization sprint to check our top articles and update or translate articles for Firefox 4. If you are a localizer, this gives you the chance to check your top 20 articles and report any issue to us right away. This way, we can try to solve it on the spot. It will also give you hands-on experience with the new KB for updating or translating articles for Firefox 4. And we'll be ready on IRC to answer any questions about the syntax, templates (formerly, content blocks) or anything else. And we need your help, even if you're not a localizer: All those newly imported articles need a search summary to show up on the search results page. Help us add those summaries.

Join us on Thursday, December 2nd. The sprint will start at 6am PST and last until 2pm PST. That’s 3pm to 11pm in Central Europe, or 2pm to 10pm UTC/GMT – yeah, we're a global project ;)

Looking forward to seeing you all and putting the new KB to the test!


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